How do you keep LED strips from falling off?

Prevent LED strip falling

BikeBox Motorcycles Trading LLC prides itself on providing top-notch LED delivery boxes for efficient food and thermal delivery. However, the company understands that LED strip lights can be prone to falling off, compromising the safety and visibility of your delivery. Here are some expert tips on how to keep LED strip lights secure, specifically designed for delivery boxes.

Choosing the Right Adhesive for LED Delivery Box Lighting

A strong fixture of LED lights on your bike box, or even if you are planning to install them in your home, is important. The quality of adhesive you use for fixing the lights matters. After all, these account for the strong installation of LED lights. Choosing the right adhesive for fixing your LED light strips is easy. 

When selecting adhesives for your LED strip lights, consider:

Temperature resistance: Adhesiveness is greatly impacted by temperature resistance. In cold surroundings, the adhesiveness of the material is loosened. The material may lose fixture because, in cold surroundings, the adhesives turn into the form of crystals, allowing the LED lights to fall off. If the temperature of the surrounding area is high, this may result in the brittle adhering gum. Thus, anything installed within this temperature may also result in the loose fixture of the LED light strips.

Adhesion strength: The adhesion strength of the adhesive is also important for a strong installation of LED lights. The bond between the LED lights and the surface with which they are bonded increases with good adhesion strength. The adhesive gums with good adhesion strength tend to stick the LED lights to the surface for longer periods.

Durability: Durability stands for the adhesive’s capability to stand against time, weather, temperature, and moisture constraints. For example, moisture loosens the adhesive bond between the LED lights and the surface to which they are bonded. The more an adhesive is durable, the higher its quality is. So, while purchasing adhesives for your LED lights, look for adhesives with greater resistance against temperature, moisture, weather, and adhesion strength.

BikeBox Motorcycles Trading LLC recommends using 3M or equivalent adhesives for LED delivery boxes

Bikebox Motorcycles Trading LLC, the leading manufacturing brand of delivery boxes and other bike boxes, recommends using 3M adhesives. 3M adhesives are viscoelastic adhesives. The reason is that they act like viscous fluids filling gaps and holes for binding the two surfaces and also as an elastic solid, giving strength to the binding of the two surfaces.

Mounting Options for LED Strip Lights on LED Delivery Boxes

The next thing to keep in mind while adhering LED light strips to a surface is the mounting choice you opt for when installing the LED strips. So, while installing LED strip lights on a surface, consider the following mounting options:

Clip-on mounting: Mounting clips are the clips that provide support to fixing a material with a surface. The mounting clips are adjusted with the help of screws. 

Magnetic mounting: You can use magnetic mounting to adhere the LED strip lights to a surface. The magnetic mounting consists of two magnetic plates. One plate is kept on the lower side of the subject to adhere, and the other is in the same position as the subject. Magnetic mounting is a popular method of adhering materials to any surface because you don’t need to drill holes in the wall or the surface to adhere to the material or strips. Simply using magnetic mounts gives a good fixture to the bonding surfaces.

Adhesive-backed mounting: Adhesive-backed mountings consist of a surface that is glued or has both sides as adhesives. So, it can be adhered to the wall and the LED lights as well. These mountings are also easy to use, as they don’t need to drill holes in the walls. Just apply the adhesive-backed mounting to the surface you want the LED lights to fix, and then connect your LED lights with these adhesive-backed mountings.

What LED delivery boxes are designed to accommodate various mounting options?

LED delivery boxes can be accommodated for Food Delivery Boxes, thermal delivery boxes, Delivery bags, Thermal bags, etc.

Using LEDs for food delivery boxes can be advantageous because of:

Secure lighting to prevent food spillage: Delivery boxes with lights installed can help to look into the box. This will prevent food spillage inside the box when taking food out of the box in low-light areas. 

Easy cleaning and maintenance: The good lighting conditions due to LED lights make it easy to clean the food delivery box. You can thoroughly clean the box with super ease with LED lights installed on the delivery box.

Temperature-resistant adhesives: You must use temperature-resistant adhesives for installing LED lights on the food delivery box. This is to protect the installation against weather conditions.

Thermal Delivery Box Requirements

The thermal delivery boxes are insulated delivery boxes in which the temperature is maintained constantly. Due to this, the temperature of the thermal delivery boxes can be either very high or too low. So, you must consider that:

  1. High-temperature resistant adhesives: You must use high-temperature resistant adhesives. This is to protect the installation if the temperature inside the box is high and the adherence of the LED lights is prone to damage.
  2. Insulation to maintain temperature control: Thermal delivery boxes are characterized by thermal insulation. This means that no heat from outside enters the thermal delivery box or any heat from the delivery box does not leave the box.
  3. Secure lighting to prevent heat loss: LED lights are energy-efficient. Moreover, the LEDs of different colors emit different ranges of heat. For example, red and orange colors emit more heat than green and blue. This can be an effective solution to thermal deliveries.

Additional Tips for Securing LED Strip Lights

Here are some additional tips for secure installation of LED strip lights.

Clean surfaces before application: Clean the surface thoroughly with which you are going to bind the LED strip lights. Prevent the surface from moisture and dirt. This can affect the adherence to the strip lights.

Avoid over-handling or stretching lights: Avoid stretching lights. This can cause damage to the adherence of the lights to the surface.

Regularly inspect and maintain lights:

You must regularly inspect the lights to see if they still have a strong adherence to the surface. So, you can easily fix any loose ends of the strips to the surface in its early stages.

What are the benefits of secure LED Strip Lights for LED Delivery Boxes?

There are multiple benefits to the secure installation of LED strip lights for delivery boxes. Some are mentioned below:Enhanced safety and visibility

The installation of LED light strips on delivery boxes enhances the safety and visibility of the rider and the passersby due to improved light conditions in darker areas.Reduced maintenance and replacement costs

LED strip lights are durable and easy to maintain. They run for longer periods. Therefore, you are charged with little maintenance or replacement costs more frequently.Increased customer satisfaction

LED lights installed on a delivery box can turn into customer satisfaction. The LED delivery bikes and boxes can increase the aesthetics of your business. Thus, tending more people to attract towards your business. 

Want LED delivery boxes with installation on your delivery bike? Contact Bikebox Motorcycles Trading LLC

If you want LED delivery boxes customized to your business, ordering from Bikebox Motorcycles Trading LLC will be the best choice. From manufacturing the delivery boxes according to your needs to installing these delivery boxes on your delivery boxes, Bike Box Motorcycles handles professionally and skillfully all. Moreover, the company is ISO certified, meaning that the service from BikeBox Motorcycles Trading LLC complies with international standards of quality. Order without giving any second thought today.


BikeBox Motorcycles Trading LLC prioritizes the safety and efficiency of delivery boxes. By following the expert tips, you’ll ensure your LED strip lights stay secure, optimizing your food and thermal delivery experience. Trust the LED delivery boxes from the service for reliable and visible transportation.

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